Our Douyin Operations

Douyin, the Chinese counterpart of TikTok, has become an indispensable platform for Western brands looking to enter the Chinese market.

Douyin, the Chinese counterpart of TikTok, has become an indispensable platform for Western brands looking to enter the Chinese market. Recognizing Douyin's power, we've developed specialized strategies to incorporate Douyin into our operations effectively. But Douyin's potential isn't limited to brands alone; it's also a vital platform for Western celebrities and athletes seeking to connect with Chinese audiences. In this blog, we'll explore how we've implemented Douyin into our operations and why it's a game-changer for anyone aiming to make an impact in China. 

Why Douyin Matters

Douyin is a cultural phenomenon in its home country. With its short, engaging videos, it has captivated millions of users, making it a fertile ground for brands to reach an enthusiastic and engaged audience. But what sets Douyin apart from other social media platforms is its unique ability to blend entertainment with e-commerce. This means users are not just scrolling through content but are actively participating in a marketplace where they discover, engage with, and purchase products all in one place.


For brands, this integration of marketing and selling is invaluable. It allows for real-time interaction with potential customers, creating opportunities for immediate feedback, engagement, and conversion. Douyin’s algorithm is designed to promote content that resonates with viewers, giving brands a powerful tool to boost their visibility and build a loyal following.


Athletes, especially in basketball — China's most-watched sport — have a significant opportunity to grow their presence on Douyin and connect with their fan base on a personal level. By leveraging Douyin, they can secure lucrative brand deals specific to the Chinese market, expanding their reach and influence internationally.


Similarly, celebrities can use Douyin to grow their fan base and promote their brands. Rhianna's success with Fenty Beauty in China illustrates the strategic advantage of tapping into this massive audience. Musicians, like Taylor Swift, can extend their brand presence by selling merchandise directly to fans through Douyin, even after performances or when they're not actively touring in China.

Our Douyin Operations 

Understanding the immense potential of Douyin, we have dedicated ourselves to mastering this platform and providing top-notch services to our clients. Here’s a closer look at how we operate and what makes our approach unique.

In-House Live Streaming Studio

One of the cornerstones of our Douyin operations is our state-of-the-art in-house live streaming studio. We believe that live streaming is one of the most effective ways to engage with audiences on Douyin. Live streams offer a direct and interactive way to showcase products, answer questions, and create a sense of urgency that can drive immediate sales.

Our studio is equipped with the latest technology to ensure high-quality broadcasts. This setup allows us to host live streams for our clients whenever they need, for as long as needed. Whether it’s a short, impactful session or an 8-hour marathon with a popular Douyin Key Opinion Leader (KOL), we’re prepared to deliver.

The Power of KOLs

Collaborating with KOLs is a crucial aspect of our strategy. KOLs, or influencers, have a significant following on Douyin and can sway purchasing decisions through their endorsements. By partnering with KOLs who align with a brand’s identity and values, we can amplify the brand’s reach and credibility.

We meticulously select KOLs based on their relevance to the brand’s target audience, engagement rates, and authenticity. This careful curation ensures that our clients’ products are promoted by influencers who genuinely resonate with their audience, resulting in more meaningful and effective campaigns.

Tailored Content Strategies

Every brand is unique, and so is our approach to each Douyin campaign. We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all strategy. Instead, we take the time to understand our clients’ goals, target audience, and brand personality. This allows us to create tailored content strategies that are not only engaging but also aligned with the brand’s message.

Our content creation process involves a deep dive into current trends on Douyin, competitor analysis, and creative brainstorming sessions. By staying ahead of trends and continuously innovating, we ensure that our clients’ content stands out in the crowded Douyin landscape.

Real-World Success Stories

Our commitment to Douyin and our clients has led to numerous success stories. Here are a few examples of how our Douyin operations have made a difference:

Manuka Doctor 

We teamed up with a Douyin KOL who created a short video for Manuka Doctor, which received an astounding 29 million views and became one of our most-watched videos ever. Through continued use, Douyin has substantially boosted Manuka Doctor’s brand awareness and visibility in China over time.


One of our partners discovered Savoursmiths through repeated viewings on Douyin and reached out to us to explore bringing them into China. Now, Savoursmiths products grace the shelves of premium grocery stores like Ole’ and are available on Taobao. Douyin played a crucial role in making this partnership possible; without it, our partner might never have found Savoursmiths.

The Future of Douyin and Our Vision

As Douyin continues to evolve, so do we. We’re constantly exploring new ways to leverage the platform’s features and stay ahead of the curve. From experimenting with augmented reality (AR) filters to incorporating user-generated content, we’re committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on Douyin.

Our vision is to be at the forefront of Douyin marketing, helping brands, celebrities, and athletes not just reach but engage and captivate their audiences. We believe in the power of Douyin to create meaningful connections and drive tangible results, and we’re excited about what the future of Douyin looks like. 

By XpandAsia