Why Douyin E-Commerce is a Must for Western Brands

What if we told you that there's a platform where a brand can market itself, sell products, spread brand awareness, and increase visibility and loyalty all in one place? What would you do?

What if we told you that there's a platform where a brand can market itself, sell products, spread brand awareness, and increase visibility and loyalty all in one place? What would you do? We guess you'd jump out of your office chair and join the platform immediately. Well, great news! This isn’t a unicorn platform; it’s very real. That platform is Douyin.

We believe so strongly in Douyin's immense potential that merely writing a blog about its capabilities wouldn't suffice. To do it justice, we decided to track down the Head of Brand Partnerships (all categories), Demi Shi.

Demi Shi has an impressive background. She knows e-commerce platforms inside out. Before joining Douyin, she worked for Tmall Global, another popular e-commerce platform in China. Demi has both the insight into what has worked in the past and the foresight to see what the future holds for e-commerce and social commerce. One of the reasons Demi agreed to this interview is because she, Douyin, and XpandAsia share the same goal: to help Western brands understand that Douyin is the platform they need to be on—not later, not someday, but right now! It's the platform of a brand’s dreams.

Here’s why...

Traditionally, Western brands have used Tmall Global or Tmall as an entry point for e-commerce in China. Do you see Douyin as a viable alternative entry point for brands, or is it more suitable for brands that have already entered the Chinese market?

Demi: We have seen many brands that have never launched in China or newly created brands succeed on Douyin because we are a content-driven platform. Brands can create engaging content to tell their story and showcase their products without the limitations of a traditional e-commerce product page. Messaging is more direct through videos and live streams.

Additionally, Douyin is a social commerce platform, so we help brands sell their products while marketing them simultaneously. Unlike many content platforms where you have to direct traffic to your website, Douyin allows you to build a brand, collaborate with influencers, create videos, and do live streams, all while driving traffic to your products.

We are the second-largest cross-border e-commerce platform in China, and we've only been around for three years. In contrast, other e-commerce platforms have been around for over a decade.

Our platform is a hub for brand incubation in China. We enable brands to build awareness from 0 to 1 and then scale from 1 to 10 with the right team and strategy.

What are the key differences between using Douyin and other e-commerce platforms?

Demi: Content selling is the key difference from other B2C platforms. Traditional e-commerce sites focus on product pages, requiring positive reviews and high sales volumes to gain visibility unless you pay for ads. Douyin matches products with users who are potentially interested in them. For example, if you're looking for hair products, Douyin will recommend relevant brands to you.

Advertising on Douyin allows you to buy traffic for your videos and live streams, exposing your brand to more consumers who are more likely to convert. We also have a traditional B2C model available.

Being a content-driven platform, consumers can see short clips or live streams demonstrating products. This gives them a comprehensive understanding of the product without needing to visit the brand’s website.

It’s important to understand that there's no conflict in launching a store on Tmall Global and Douyin. Success on Douyin can enhance your Tmall Global store, creating beneficial overflow. Therefore, opening a store on Douyin won't detract from your other platforms.

Which categories are you seeing the most growth in for Western brands on Douyin?

Demi: Since COVID, health & wellness products have been our top categories. We have premium customers, so luxury skincare and haircare do very well, especially international luxury skincare brands, which are popular among Chinese consumers. Cosmeceutical brands, especially those backed by science and technology from the United States and Europe, perform strongly.

The fashion category is also thriving! We’re eager to see more luxury products from Europe. We are open to all categories.

Attention American brands, you need to get on Douyin! What type of brands is Douyin actively seeking to attract?

Demi: We are open to any brands, but we seek brands with good content, a compelling story, and strong digital content, as we are a social commerce site. Feminine care is a fast-growing category with few brands, so there's great opportunity there. Localization is crucial. A localized partner can ensure your brand resonates with Chinese consumers.

How can brands maximize their success using Douyin's e-commerce platform?

Demi: An open mindset is imperative. Social commerce is new, and no one has the golden rule yet. Brands need to understand the importance of a partner like Douyin to build brand awareness and develop the right strategy for longevity in the Chinese market. A localized team is essential for effectively reaching Chinese consumers.

For new brands, Douyin should be your main battlefield to build from 0 to 1 and then scale from 1 to 10 due to our massive user base. Existing brands can also use Douyin to reach new audiences and build more brand awareness.

Having an official Douyin account and consistently delivering interesting content will create an invaluable IP for your brand.

I want to share a personal story that highlights how Douyin is different from anything I've ever seen before. My dad has become an avid shopper on Douyin. He keeps buying clothes for himself, and my mom even mentioned how good he looks in them. Before Douyin, my parents never shopped on any B2C platforms. Imagine older folks like my parents having to sift through numerous product pages and read endless descriptions—it's almost impossible for them to make a purchase decision. Even though they had Alipay and WeChat Pay set up, they never felt comfortable because they lacked sufficient information.

Then Douyin came along, and they had fun swiping through videos that showcased exactly what they had been looking for. Live streams showed what older gentlemen like my dad would wear. Instead of seeing tall models with perfect physiques, my dad saw relatable guys who looked just like him. They could even request in real-time for the person to try on different sizes, helping him visualize how the clothes would fit. Now, my dad has all the information he needs to make informed purchase decisions. As a result, he’s bought a ton of clothes, toys for my daughter and nephew, and even snacks—all on Douyin.

This is what Douyin does—it changes consumers' lives for the better and makes a brand come to life and expand in so many ways.


Are you off your work chair yet, figuring out how to get onto Douyin? If you’re a Western brand looking to enter the Chinese market, there isn’t a platform that will do more for your brand than Douyin. Thank you, Demi, for your insight and for allowing us to interview you. We wish all our potential clients could talk to Demi when deciding to enter the Chinese market because she truly believes in Douyin and understands its immense power for brands, emphasizing that a brand is only as successful as the tools it uses.

We are passionate about sharing Douyin with Western brands because we believe it’s our responsibility to inform them about a platform that can dramatically change their brand's trajectory in China. 

By XpandAsia